Join Gracathon

Join us on 5 & 6 Baisakh 2081 with curious geeks from across the nation for 24 hours of creation, innovation, & fun.

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GRACATHON, Organized by CSIT Association of BMC which is supported by Grace International, transcends traditional hackathons by providing a dynamic platform where diverse participants converge to tackle societal challenges through creativity, technology, and collaboration. It fosters skill development, teamwork, and community engagement, offering networking opportunities and experiential learning. Beyond the event, GRACATHON seeds innovative solutions with the potential to evolve into impactful ventures, all while cultivating a vibrant ecosystem of collaboration and inclusion. In essence, GRACATHON represents a transformative experience, uniting minds and aspirations in the pursuit of positive change.

Why you should participate in Gracathon?


Participating in a hackathon offers an opportunity to work collaboratively with like-minded individuals to develop creative solutions to real-world problems.


Networking is the act of creating and maintaining relationships with individuals and groups in order to exchange information, ideas, and opportunities.


Hackathons are a great way to win prizes and gain recognition for your work. The prizes can range from cash to internships, and the recognition can be in the form of a job offer or a scholarship.


Hackathons are a great way to meet new people, learn new skills, and have fun. You can also win prizes for your work.

  1. Registration via Online Form:

    The gateway to GRACATHON 2024 commences with a streamlined online registration process. Our designated website serves as the official platform for teams across the nation to register for this prestigious event. Assemble your team of talented individuals and embark on this journey of innovation.

  2. Prototype Development:

    Using coding, design, and other relevant skills, teams will build functional prototypes of their solutions. This phase will involve rapid development, iterative feedback, and continuous improvement which is evaluated by a panel of judges. The entire Phase 2 will be conducted online.

  3. Selection of Finalists:

    Judges will evaluate solutions based on innovation, technical execution, usability, and potential impact.

  4. Journey to the Grand Finale:

    The panel of judges evaluates the submissions, selecting 10 finalists based on innovation, presentation quality, and alignment with the challenge criteria; finalists are notified of their selection.

Winner Prize: Rs.33,333
First Runner Up: Rs.22,222
Second Runner Up: Rs.11,111
Best Commit Award: Rs.3,333
Develop innovative solutions to improve healthcare delivery, patient outcomes, and healthcare management leveraging technology such as telemedicine, wearable devices, or AI-driven diagnostics.
Create tools, platforms, or services to empower entrepreneurs, facilitate business growth, and drive economic development through innovative solutions in areas such as access to finance, market access, or mentorship.
Design solutions that enhance the tourism experience, promote sustainable tourism practices, and address challenges in areas such as destination management, cultural preservation, or travel accessibility.
Develop innovative educational tools, platforms, or approaches to enhance learning outcomes, promote access to quality education, and address challenges such as remote learning, skills development, or inclusive education.
Public Sector
Create solutions to improve government services, enhance public sector efficiency, and promote citizen engagement through innovative approaches such as digital government platforms, e-governance solutions, or data-driven policymaking.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a hackathon ?
Who can participate in GRACATHON ?
Do I have to know how to code to join ?
How much does it cost to participate in GRACATHON??
Is it a team event ?
Is there a code of conduct ?
What is the venue of the hackathon?
Contact Us
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CSIT Association of Butwal Multiple Campus

Build with ❤️ by Sujan Khatri